Greater Chennai city police are investigating a complaint preferred by actor and Akila Indiya Samathuva Makkal Katchi president Sarathkumar that he was getting a number of spoof calls.
In his complaint, Sarathkumar has also said a person who has been impersonating his voice calling influential people in Sarathkumar’s voice. It is said that the impersonator has been traced to Coimbatore.
Sarathkumar said that had received several calls in the name of important leaders and guests on his mobile. A case was registered in Central Crime Branch of Greater Chennai Police.
Meanwhile, Sarath kumar is all set to mark his debut in the OTT space with a project based on the novel ‘Birds of Prey’ which was written by Archana Sarat. Revealing this on his birthday recently, his wife and actress-producer Radikaa Sarathkumar said, “A Good day to welcome you to the OTT world! Happy Birthday Sarath!”