Varun Tej, who recently tied the knot with actress Lavanya Tripathi, is enjoying a European vacation. Amidst this, the spotlight is again on the actor’s upcoming film, ‘Operation Valentine’, a Telugu-Hindi bilingual project.
Initially slated for release this week, the movie has encountered an unforeseen delay, prompting the makers to announce a postponement officially. A new release date will be revealed shortly, said the makers on social media.
Manushi Chhillar played the female lead in this venture, which is written and directed by Shakti Pratap Singh Hada, and co-written by Aamir Khan, and Siddharth Raj Kumar.
Produced on a grand scale, the film is backed by Sony Pictures International Productions and Sandeep Mudda from Renaissance Pictures, with additional contributions from co-producers Nandakumar Abbineni and God Bless Entertainment.