The news of ‘KGF’ director Prasanth Neel and Young Tiger NTR teaming up has been doing rounds for a long time. They were supposed to work together after ‘RRR’ and ‘KGF – 2’ but they both signed up for separate projects like ‘#NTR30 and ‘Salaar’. But they assured that they will be making a movie together soon.
On the occasion of NTR’s birthday, they decided to make it official. They released a special poster wishing NTR and announced the project as ‘NTR 31’. We can see NTR giving a very serious look in the poster and he is sporting a thick beard too which made the poster appear very intense.
Prasanth Neel is known for his dark tones and he used the black colour heavily in this poster too which made sure that the entire focus falls on NTR’s powerful eye. This shooting of this project is expected to kickstart by the end of this year when both Tarak and Neel wrap up their respective projects. This high-budget pan-Indian movie will be produced under Mythri Movie Makers and NTR Arts banners.