Hours after the nationwide lockdown due to coronavirus was extended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Anushka Shetty posted a dreamy black and white picture of her, in which her eyes alone are seen, and requested people to stay safe indoors.
“LockDown extended till May 3rd #StayHome #StaySafe ” posted the ‘Baahubali’ and ‘Deiva Thirumagal’ actress, who has been regularly posting awareness message since the outbreak of Covid-19.
Anushka, whose upcoming film is ‘Nishabdham’, in which she is sharing the screenspace with the likes of Madhavan and Anjali, recently appealed to everyone to stand with each other and stand undivided in these trying times.
“When we come out of this we pray to value and realise that every single one of us have a role to play for each other at different space and time none superior none inferior just a role we have as humans towards humanity as humanity towards our planet,” she said.
In her recent message, she said, “Divided we feeel divided we stay but united we stand …. A whole new outlook to life all that was learned to be unlearned … a whole new perspective .. all that felt like impossible is possible and all the possibilities vanished … as we take a moment to breathe ,a moment to truly see …we realise even though we are divided by time , geographical barriers we all stand with each other with love and prayers in our hearts Love prayers and gratitude to those Out there known and unknown …”