Wishing the man of Persistence, Passion and Hard workt #AjithKumar a Happy B’day – mykollywood.com



Wishing the man of Persistence, Passion and Hard work 🫡 Our dearest #AjithKumar sir a Happy B’day 🥳

It’s time for Celebration now…! 🥳🎉🎊

Our next film with Mr. #AK is titled #VidaaMuyarchi 💪🏻 “EFFORTS NEVER FAIL” and will be directed by the cult film-maker #MagizhThirumeni ✨

🎬 #MagizhThirumeni
🎶 @anirudhofficial
🎥 #NiravShah
🎙️ @sureshchandraaoffl @rekha1210 @donechannel1
🖌️🖼️ @gopiprasannaa
🤝 #GKMTamilKumaran
🪙 @lyca_productions #Subaskaran

#HBDAjithkumar #LycaProductions #விடாமுயற்சி #EffortsNeverFail

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